
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

CASA OF B L U E S // con my b o o s


This past weekend I had the pleasure of seeing one of favorite bands in one of my favorite venues with some of my favorite people.
Too many favorites? I say not enough!

Some background about MisterWives, the band I saw, is as follows:

Misterwives is a NYC based band made up of one girl (Mandy Lee) and five guys. They have said in interviews, that their band name is a play on words from the term sisterwives (since the band name is a flip flop on the term.) But do not fret there is no polygamous relationship between these artists (that we know of...)

The first I ever heard of MisterWives was due to extremely sad circumstances (at a friend's funeral.) Needless to say, this band holds a special place in my heart. The second time I heard them was in 2014, they opened for Twenty One Pilots (which was a religious experience- but I'll save that story for another time.) I only got to hear a couple of their songs live so when I heard that they were touring with Børns, I immediately sold my soul for tickets (in this case my soul was worth Andrew Jackson's facae.)

One of my closest friends and I drove from the count down city all the way up north to the big D to see MisterWives. We met up with my sister at the ever-so-lovely House of Blues and started our night in style (by waiting in line with hundreds of other hipster teenie boppers and Dallasites.)

Luckily I was able to sneak my camera in, so I got some average shots of the night. It was so hard to photograph Mandy because she could give the energizer bunny a run for his money!

The first band were Handsome Ghosts and they definitely surprised me. They had a very indie alternative/poppish feel yet they were still very laid back.

Next on was Børns and I myself am a huge fan, but I was not prepared for how incredible this band was. First of all, HIS HAIR. That's all I'm going to say because it speaks for itself. If you are unfamiliar with the godsend that is Børns go check them out!

 Next, Mandy and her misterwives stole my heart over and over and over. The words to describe the experience that is hearing MisterWives live have not yet been created. I honestly felt as if their voices did indeed invite us into their own house.

This show is definitely in my top ten, I hope you enjoyed revisiting this lovely memory with me.

|| Until next time ||
// I hope you feel the music in your f i n g e r t i p s //